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Practical Tips To Manage Anxiety

Practical Tips To Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is a natural response to stress, but when it becomes overwhelming or chronic it can significantly impact your daily live. I have had the pleasure of working with individuals living with anxiety; here in this blog post, I share ways into manage it more effectively.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety can present itself in various forms, including excessive worry, restlessness, racing thoughts and physical symptoms. Anxiety often arises from perceived threats or fears in real or imaginary form – the good news is that anxiety is manageable with proper tools and strategies in place; with those in place you can regain control over your life again.

Practical tips to Manage Anxiety

  • Deep Breathing Exercises can be one of the simplest yet most effective strategies for combating anxiety. The key is not to breathe only when you are under pressure but to make it a habit to stop and breathe during the day: when you wake up, after brushing your teeth, before and after your meals. Not only does it calm your nervous system when you are under stress or in a crisis, but when it becomes a habit, it can also become a more automatic coping skill to help you become aware of and redirect your thoughts.

Exercise 1

  • Open your right hand with your fingers extended.
  • Begin by placing the index finger of your left hand at the base of your right thumb.
  • As you gently move your left index finger up along the outer edge of your right thumb, inhale deeply and slowly.
  • When you begin moving your left index finger down the inner side of your right thumb, exhale slowly and completely. Let’s begin-
  • Start with your thumb: Inhale as you slide your left index finger to the top of your thumb, then exhale as you move it down.
  • Inhale as you slide your left index finger to the top of your right index finger, then exhale as you move it down.
  • Inhale and slide to the top of the middle finger, then exhale as you move down.
  • Inhale and slide to the top of the ring finger, then exhale as you move down.
  • Last but not least, inhale and slide to the top of the pinky finger, then exhale as you move down.

Exercise 2

Find a quiet space, sit or lie comfortably, and take slow, deep breaths; inhale for four counts before holding and exhaling four times; repeat this pattern for several minutes for instantaneous relief from anxious moments.

Deep breathing regulates your body’s stress response system while offering instantaneous comfort during anxious times.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness practice can help keep you present and reduce the tendency to worry about the future or dwell on past events. Try beginning with short meditation sessions focusing on your breath or bodily sensations before gradually adding mindfulness into daily routines.
  • Grounding meditation enhances mindfulness, allowing you to become more attuned to your body and environment. This heightened awareness can improve your ability to make conscious choices and respond thoughtfully to various situations.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Anxiety often manifests physically. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing various muscle groups in your body to increase awareness of physical sensations while decreasing tension.
  • Challenging Negative Thoughts: One key way anxiety manifests itself is through negative thought patterns. To combat them, challenge these negative thought patterns by asking yourself whether they’re grounded in facts or just fears; try reframing your ideas more rationally and realistically.
  • Reduce Caffeine and Sugar Intake:Caffeine and sugar may exacerbate anxiety symptoms, so consider decreasing their consumption if there is an apparent link between them and anxiety levels.
  • Engaging in Regular Physical Activity:Exercising regularly can significantly lower anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins, natural mood-boosters. Find an activity you enjoy – walking, swimming, yoga or dancing are great examples – and incorporate it into your schedule for maximum stress reduction.

Remember that managing anxiety is a journey and will require both effort and these tips to achieve. If it significantly interferes with your everyday life or you’re having trouble controlling it on your own, consider seeking professional support from a licensed mental health provider for additional help managing it on a more balanced and peaceful life path.

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