Legal Advice

Welcome to MSW SERVICES INC’s (the “Company,” “we,” or “us”)! The Disclaimer, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy form the foundation of how MSW SERVICES INC regulates access and usage of this Website for registered and guest users alike. Please carefully read these documents prior to using (hereinafter called the “Website”); in doing so you are agreeing and bound by its provisions; should this option not be available, do not access or use any part of and opt-in before clicking or accepting or agreeing or accepting or agreeing when presented – otherwise do not access or use any part or website at all if not agreeable do not use or access/use this website unless we otherwise notify MSW SERVICES INC of its operation (herewith this disclaimer ).

Through this website, we offer resources and information available for download for educational and informational use only. This Website and any resources downloaded via it should not be seen as medical or health advice, nor should they be taken as authoritative sources. Professionals at the Company address health-related matters and the information on this Website relating to medical or health issues; however, any advice provided here should not be used as a replacement for professional advice tailored specifically to your circumstances and facts. We have done everything possible to ensure the information provided on this Website and in any resources for download is reliable, accurate, and insightful. No matter what may appear on or through this Website, nothing herein should be understood as suggesting you don’t consult a medical or health professional when seeking advice for specific information. In fact, the Company expressly encourages seeking guidance from an expert.

This Website’s information and resources available through it should not be understood or taken as professional advice. While all employees and owners of the Company are professionals and the information presented on this Website pertains to issues within its field of professionalism, it should not be seen as a replacement for advice from professionals familiar with your unique circumstances. We have done everything possible to ensure the information provided on this Website and any downloadable resources are reliable and provide useful knowledge. Nothing on or through this Website should be taken as advice that you don’t seek professional assistance for your individual information needs. Indeed, The Company urges that professional assistance be sought.

Your use of this Website, including implementation of any suggestions contained herein and/or accessing any resources provided on it, does not establish any professional-client relationship between you and us or any of our professionals. Until such time as a fit is established and various requirements like consent to treat/fee arrangements have been fulfilled by both parties involved, you recognize and accept that no professional-client relationship was formed through using this Website.

By accessing this Website, you accept full responsibility for the outcome of your actions and agree to take full responsibility for any harm or damage you experience due to using or not using information or resources available here or downloaded via this platform. It is your obligation to use judgment and conduct due diligence prior to taking any actions suggested on this platform or adopting plans or policies suggested or recommended here.

You understand and acknowledge that the Company makes no guarantees regarding the results of taking any actions recommended on this Website, whether recommended by us or otherwise. Rather, our educational and informational resources aim to assist users of this website achieve health success as well as other aspects of life success. However, you recognize that your ultimate success or failure depends on the results of your own efforts and circumstances beyond our control and knowledge. Furthermore, past results do not guarantee an identical result – which is why results achieved by other clients of the Company or others applying the principles presented on this Website cannot guarantee similar outcomes for anyone else or entity using similar principles will also achieve similar outcomes.

This World Wide Web Site is intended as a public resource of general information that should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date; however, its accuracy cannot be assured or guaranteed. While we take reasonable measures to ensure accuracy on this Website, errors may still exist and therefore you accept that all data available here could potentially be wrong or outdated before taking any actions based on it. You expressly agree not to rely on anything found within this Website for making decisions or taking actions.

At times, we may provide reviews of products, services and resources available through this website, such as books, services or software applications. Any reviews posted here represent the honest opinions of their authors; whether these reviews come free or at reduced prices as incentives to review, we will always give honest reviews regardless of discounts provided to us – but please remember to conduct your own due diligence prior to relying solely on reviews posted here.

From time to time, the Company may refer to other products, services, therapists, coaches, consultants and/or experts. Any such references do not imply an endorsement or statement that information provided by other parties is reliable; rather, this information serves only as a resource for users – it is your responsibility to conduct your own investigation and make an independent determination regarding any product, service, coach consultant and/or expert mentioned herein.

At various places on this Website, you may come across testimonials from professional colleagues or non-client community members familiar with the products and services available here or by the Company. To protect the privacy of current and former clients, no testimonials from either will be displayed on this website. Instead, testimonials provided here represent actual statements made by professional colleagues or community members and have been presented in an honest manner on this Website. 

Though these testimonials provide accurate descriptions of the services provided by the Company, no guarantees can be given that you will experience similar benefits when using any products or services sold via this Website or provided by them. You explicitly recognize and agree that testimonials do not guarantee results you or anyone else may achieve by using these products and services offered herein or by them.

Effective as of June 05, 2023

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